Master Driver of the World: A Book Review

Ever wonder about the heroics performed with automobiles at the beginning of the twentieth century? Who were these people that did that? Who were these people that adventured in cars? What did they accomplish? And what happened to them?

Mark Dill has written a book that highlights a singular event in an aging racer's life, a race that would crown him "Master Driver of the World." In this episode, we look at that man and we review Mark Dill's book.

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A Man and His Speedster

In holiday times we focus on our families. But what if a car is considered part of one's family?

We'll revisit a man and his Speedster in this episode to tease out some larger truths...

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The Little Car That Could

Imagine that you've got a little car, a giant killer on hills. Something that makes grown racers cry when they see you unload your Speedster at the weekend event. Yes, friends, of course it's a Speedster, a Porsche 356 Speedster, no less!

Let's take a look at one whose heyday was during the 1970s...

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Speedsters at Hershey 2023

My previous post highlighted several Ford Model T speedsters, all of them outstanding. This episode is mostly about speedsters other than Model T’s: some seen on the show field, some spotted in dealer tents, and then there were those at the auction. But I also spoke with someone who saw a Mercury-bodied T speedster and the swap meet, and I finally located a photo of it!

Read on, speedster fans….

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Model T Speedsters at Hershey 2023

Hershey 2023—the cars, the parts, the people—thousands of each category swarmed the Hersheypark complex in central Pennsylvania during the hot and sunny week of October 2-6. The annual AACA Fall Meet never disappoints, and this one was no exception. And, it had Model T speedsters to show and buy! What’s not to like about that?

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Model T Speedsters Are Back!

Speedsterism is alive and well! The market for speedsters has been on a boil lately: spectacular new models keep showing up, while classic examples are changing hands left and right. This post will peek at the thriving Model T speedster market. Plus: some news about my book signing at the annual AACA Hershey Fall meet!

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Visiting Hershey and the Fall Nationals 2022

September for me has been a busy month of travels to concours and an auto show, and it culminates in my annual trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania and the AACA’s Hershey Fall Nationals meet. I’m giving a talk at Hershey, picking up an award, and will be trolling the field for a speedster. Will I see you there?

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Modern Speedsters, pt. 3

These days, a stroll down Speedster Lane Moderne has many shops into which one may gaze, linger in, or even purchase from. As seen in previous episodes, there are two-, three-, or even four-wheeled selections, and even some speedster clothes from which to choose. Ideas abound; vendors are aplenty; join us as we look at a couple more!

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