It’s been a year since I stepped away from my stories about speedsters in order to attend to other projects that needed to be started.
One task was to complete a speedster project that I had bought to occupy my time and—boy, has it taken up my time! This story merits its own blog post, which I’ll get to another day. But here’s a teaser “before” photo:
Okay, it’s not a Model T! But it’s a 356 Speedster in the paint booth. New color to be revealed in a later post…
Another task has been to start outlining two children’s book ideas. I’ve completed one and will soon map out the second. Then I’ll scout for an illustrator and begin the process of taking it to publication. I’ll report back as soon as I’ve made some reportable progress. But to give you an idea:
• One book is about a young girl’s love for a special car and how it transforms her life as she grows up.
• The second book is about a group of children who rescue a baby tree and how it changes their lives.
A third task has been to research and develop a digital version of my book, Classic Speedsters, so that folks could purchase a digital copy. Accomplishing this would allow overseas readers access to my book without having to pay exorbitant shipping costs for a physical copy. To me, there is nothing quite like holding a real book in my hands, but I have to also consider those who would like a digital copy for all sorts of reasons. I’m close to getting this done. I’ll keep you posted!
Each chapter begins with a compelling image. A lot of sweat went into finding just the right image. I’m hoping that digital copies retain the book’s gravitas.
Model T Speedsters Revisited
Model T speedsters fascinate me because they are so accessible, and they offer the thrill of owning and driving a speedster without spending tons of money. Consider:
• there is more to be enjoyed by driving a slow car fast than driving a fast car slow.
• there is also some wisdom in buying within one’s means. T speedsters are cheap!
Let’s face it: model T speedsters guarantee more smiles per mile than your average drive in a Camry. True, or what?
Recent Model T Speedster Sales
I visit several online auction sites each week to see what’s up in speedster sales. Inevitably a Model T speedster is auctioned, and very often at an affordable cost! Prices have remained stable for several years in the under-$10,000 - to - $20,000 range.
A more in-depth update is coming soon, but for now, here’s one example that recently popped up:
This Model T speedster sold for a bargain, but many find their price point at this level. I can almost guarantee that there will be several for sale at this year’s 2023 AACA Fall Meet in Hershey!
The auction link -
But Wait! Before you go—a reminder:
Soon I’ll be at the AACA Fall event in Hershey, Pennsylvania, meeting people and selling copies of my book, Classic Speedsters.
The Date: Tuesday, October 3
The Time: 2pm-7pm
Where: behind the AACA library in the SAH tent
Details: I’ll be in the Society of Automotive Historians (SAH) tent behind the AACA library, right next to the library’s tents. It’s next to the show field, across from the swap meet. Tuesday is the library’s annual book sale (tent) event that they hold behind their building. There will be 21 other authors in the SAH tent with me, selling their books too.
If you are at Hershey this year, please stop by and say hello!
This is a snapshot of my book. Stop by and get yourself a copy!
And…go drive that speedster!